Case Study

Wetterskip Fryslan

Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)


Project introduction

For the Birdaard waste water treatment plant owned by Wetterskip Fryslân – the regional water board – Hubert was awarded the contract for delivery and installation of a new clarifier. This waste water treatment plant, located in the north of the Netherlands, is already operating with the aid of Hubert thickeners, aerators and clarifiers.

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Hubert Clarifier E1597216855631
Plaat 3 E1597240043703
Hubert Case Study Wetterskip Fryslan E1597744518506
Hubert Case Study Wetterskip Fryslan3 E1597745029444

Hubert Supply

The new project involved the construction of a new triangular-shaped aluminium bridge which covers two-thirds of the 44-metre-wide clarifier tank. The stainless steel scraper construction is driven by a peripheral two-wheel drive unit. As would be expected from Hubert, the installation incorporates operational and safety devices, such as a maintenance platform, a swimming ladder and obstacle protection. Being main contractor, Hubert was also responsible for all project-related E&I work.

After the technical design process was completed in early 2019, production could begin, followed by the installation and completion of the project in June 2019.

Other Hubert equipment is also operational on this WWTP. Actually, there are 2 Hubair aerators, a thickener and a smaller clarifier in use.

Key Figures

  • Location: Netherlands
  • Hubert products: clarifier
  • Materials: aluminium and stainless steel 316
  • Year: 2019