
Hubert Installed Base
Hubert supplies equipment to global markets for water treatment
Over decades, our engineered products and technical expertise have enabled Hubert to become a major player on the global markets for water treatment equipment. Our equipment can be found in the countries indicated in blue.
We can count many renowned companies among our satisfied customers. These are end-users like globally operating multinationals and governments, EPC contractors, regional contractors and local service providers for the delivery of parts.
Our customers include, for example, Shell, EDF, BP, Statoil, BASF, Saudi Aramco, JGC, Siemens, RWE, Saudi Electric Company, JGC, Rosatom, Philips, Marafiq, Heineken, Akzo Nobel, EON, Evides, Electrabel, Technip, Snamprogetti, Huntsman, Kvaerner, SEPCO, Abengoa, Archirodon, Metito, McDermott and many others.
Hubert is also qualified by many prescribing authorities who play an important role in many of our projects.
On request, we are happy to provide you with an extensive reference list with more information about our projects.
Customer Stories
Project: Replacement of gutter and clearing bridge settling tank at WWTP Birdaard
The elaboration of the drawings with accompanying calculations in the preparation phase were well worked out. The construction of the new gutter and bridge was installed satisfactorily by employees and especially the foreman. The project was completed on time, both financially and in the delivery of product certificates and revision. A great project and end result was achieved through synergy between client and contractor.
Wetterskip Fryslan, Netherlands, mr. R.T. van der Zee, Design coordinator – Director